Your baby (or babies) are now toddlers
Your baby (or babies) are now toddlers….Or even older
Does this mean your still postnatal?
The little ones may be walking now but your body only repairs itself to a certain point, the rest is up to you to do.
I know that fitting exercise into your routine can be difficult at the best of times, if you even have the motivation or energy for it.
If you haven’t had a chance to get back into your health and fitness after the birth of your child, haven’t been to see a women’s health physio for a post birth check up, or the most exercise you’ve been doing is chasing after your little ones and the occasional walk, then you still need to consider the effects childbearing and childbirth may have had on your body when it comes to exercise.
When returning to a structured exercise program for the first time, you know that when training with a postnatal specialist personal trainer the potential effects of pregnancy and childbirth will be considered and assessed to ensure the safest return to exercise possible.